The Library Program
The library print and media collection are an important information resources for students, teachers and members of the extended school community. Conscientious administration of these resources requires a thorough and nuanced understanding of the information needs of the school library patron. School library patrons have different information needs than adults patrons because unlike adults who read to learn, students (even high school students) are still learning to read.
The role of the school library media specialist has changed over the years however, the promotion of reading, supporting of teachers and the provision of a rich literary environment that stimulates student curiosity remain a cornerstone of the school library's mission. Before students can become effective thinkers, writers and scholars, they must first become good readers. Only then can students develop the skills they need to become critical thinkers, well informed citizens and life long learners.
Our concept of literacy has evolved in recent years however the fundamental principles that inform our ideas about literacy remain the same; that people can better themselves through education, that reading is a necessary pre-requisite for learning and finally, that learning and reading is a basic human right. In this sense there is little difference between computer literacy, cultural literacy and traditional literacy instruction. Whether we are teaching 2nd language learners basic language arts skills or teaching high school students how to write HTML code the goal is the same: to teach students the skills they need to communicate, participate and learn in an ever changing world.
Research has always been a vital skill for students engaging in higher level learning. New media formats, changing technology and the increasing importance of information in our society make these skills more important than ever. If students are going to succeed in the 21st century work force they need to be accurate, intelligent and thoughtful researchers. Research is more than a skill; it's way of thinking about and interacting with the world around us.
Project Based Learning
The library is no longer a passive repository of knowledge but an active learning laboratory. Facilitating experiential learning and experimentation helps students become invested in and take ownership of, their own scholarship.
In a presentation I gave on digital solutions for project based learning a group of 9 students located on three different islands used google docs to collaboratively write, illustrate and published the book Keiki go Holoholo the course of an hour and a half long class. |
Collection Management
The School Library Media Specialist wears many hats and one of them is administrator of the library collection. The information resources housed in the library media center represent an investment on the part of the school in the information and learning needs of students. It is an investment that deserves judicious care and management but also requires a critical understanding of the changing information landscape. Regarding the collection the responsibilities of the SLMS include:
The cross disciplinary nature of the school library media program makes cooperation and collaboration a vital skill for the library media specialist. The SLMS can support classroom teachers by:
Media Specialist
The way we communicate, share and interact with one another is changing and will continue to change in years to come. Online learning tools for example are an exciting new resource for teachers interested in offering students opportunities for authentic learning however we must weigh the benefits of these tools against our obliged to protect students from the many dangers associated with the Internet. The school librarian media specialist is uniquely qualified to strike a balance between these seemingly contradictory mandates. In addition to managing media collections the SLMS can support teachers by providing information literacy instruction, recommending online learning resources and providing technology and media support. The SLMS can help teachers and students to work with: